Solving the self-control problem
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Beeminding since 2008-02-11
Cofounder of Beeminder
blog: Beeminder Blog Posts
pull: Pullups
push: Pushups
mustdo: Doing the One Must-Do Task of the Day
paper: Clear the paper backlog at the Beesnest
tabdeath: Kill a tab a day or so
squatshot: Dryland static skating drill
anki: Total reviews per Anki's stats page
integrations: Launch more autodata integrations
freshblog: Make epsilon improvements to the oldest blog ideas (plus migrate old blog ideas till all in new repo)
freshtask: Curate my to-do list
dinosquats: With a kettlebell
bogmail: Whittle down my dumb email backlog again
dailydale: Danthany book-brigading _How To Win Friends and Influence People_
mathingbee: Danthany Mathing
baryank: Do Pullups
mmuvi: Meta-meta UVIs
beebrain: Beebrain development, including YBHP
sptzero: Hit Support Zero periodically
slackstar: Dispatch starred (saved) messages in Slack
freshgish: Make epsilon improvements to the oldest gissues
freshwax: Keep the beeswax fresh (make an epsilon improvement to the oldest beeswax gissue)
freshroad: Make epsilon improvements to the oldest gissues in the road (Beebrain) repo
trydeepwork: I sure am trying it...
gitwhit: Whittle down GitHub notifications
freshios: Make epsilon improvements to the oldest gissues
squatathon: Skating drills: one set of an exercise
beemail: Send more beemails
tweet: Tweet more as Beeminder
blarticle: Get things out of my RSS/Pocket queue of articles and blog posts and other things from the web I (thought I) wanted to read
rolodex: Add people to my rolodex and/or reach out to them
freshbiz: Make epsilon improvements to the Operations Manual (plus migrate gissues to new repo)
sentences: Meta-meta blog goal: Add sentences to candidate next blog posts
sideslide: Slideboard workout time
codecamp: Earn points on freeCodeCamp
freshbooks: Curate (via freshgishing) my list of books to read
cluttermania: +1/2 item in, +1/2 item out
paypalpurge: Nebuminding transitioning everyone off PayPal
freshnest: Backlog freshening on the Beesnest repo
rolypoly: Ride rollers more
freshtips: Freshen the Random Tips of the Day
dial: Adjust graphs for upcoming 2 weeks of calendared events
forum: Post more in the Beeminder forum
uvi: User-Visible Improvements to Beeminder:
zombiequeen: Win the red-queen race against zombies (aka regressions). Demotions count.
wvi: Workerbee-Visible Improvements
parents: Call my parents -- whichever one is free or I've talked to least recently
steparoo: step tracker goal
bux: Tagtime goal for bux-ing activities
sugar: Eat less of it (than I otherwise would)
gsent: Send more mail per GmailZero (aggday min, stupidly, so delete and refetch to dispatch beemergency!)
meta: Metabeeminding
euler: Project Euler
discostar: Move starred items out of Discord (generally to the forum or a gissue)
vegdays: Be partly/mostly a vegetarian
veggies: Listen to Melanie, at least 5 handful-sized servings of fruits/veggies per day
mobeemail: Send monthly beemails
storygraph: Read more per StoryGraph
garminsteps: Steps as measured by Garmin watch
testweight: This is me making screenshots for The Thermostat Diet
eme: Email and Meta-Email
sleep: Dreeves's Sleep
garmiles: Miles traveled under own power per Garmin watch
mass: Sub-70 probably skate-speed-optimal
smk: Dreeves's Wasted Time
manifold: Money, meet mouth
support: Beeminder Customer Support
garminutes: Intensity minutes per Garmin watch
nafk: Dreeves's Time Spent on the Computer
bab: Dreeves's Parenting
tt: Dreeves's <a href=''>TagTime</a> Time
gtime: Time in Gmail
fb: Limit time on Facebook
wri: Write words
weighins: No backing self into corners with impossible weight beemergencies
dev: More Developing
strava: Skate or bike, as tracked by Strava
hn: Hacker News Habit
activetime: Active Time as measured by my Fitbit
floors: Floors ascended as measured by my Fitbit
caloriefire: Calories burned as measured by my Fitbit
gmailzero: Inbox Zero
zoneminutes: The AHA recommends 150 zone minutes per week. Get much more, as measured by Fitbit.
steps: Steps as measured by my Fitbit