alys/intime: is archived
Don't procrastinate on doing things by a certain time.

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Careful what order you edit datapoints in. Beeminder derails you if your data crosses the red line, even retroactively. (Also FYI this goal is auto-summing aka cumulative, which can be confusing.)

This goal has the following fine print specified by alys:

This do-less goal is designed to limit my procrastination about finishing enjoyable activities or starting important activities. It records each event where procrastination is likely to be a problem.


For each event, i enter two data points:


The first is a negative number that defines the amount of time I am allowed to spend on my current activity (e.g., something frivolous) or before starting a new activity (e.g., something important, which can include appropriate fun/relaxing activities of course). That amount of time starts at the moment I enter the data point. (Concerned by this negative point? Read on for a note about fake data!)


The second data point is entered at the moment that I finish the current activity / start the new activity. It is a positive number that states the amount of time that actually elapsed since the first data point was entered.


Thus if the time spent is less than defined in the first point, I have done well and my safety buffer increases. If too much time was spent, my goal becomes closer to derailing.


The comment for the first data point contains the word "initial", plus the allowed time, plus a description of the current activity / new activity.
The comment for the second data point contains the word "final" plus the allowed time (the data point itself contains the actual time).


If you ever see an "initial" comment with no matching "final" comment, then I have cheated by not entering the second data point! Call me out about it! (Or it means my process failed in some way, in which case I'd want to know about it anyway.) Of course if the "initial" data point is very recent, then I'm probably just in the middle of the event and hopefully don't need the reminder. :)


The process of entering a negative point followed by a positive one is pretty much entering fake data then real data and I could avoid that by entering just one point that states the difference between the allowed time and actual time, but I REALLY like having the allowed time hard-coded into the goal as soon as I've decided on it. Requiring a pair of initial and final points and having it publicly-auditable means that I can't decide in the middle of an event that I just won't bother recording that event, which would not be the case if only one point was entered at the end of the event.

(Of course the auditability would be bypassed if I entered the initial point and then flaked out by deciding to delete it, but that requires more of a conscious decision to cheat and so is significantly less likely to happen. I could prevent this and reduce the "fake data" feel of this goal by having some secondary system (IFTTT?) that populates an auto-data goal with the same data that's in this goal but in a way that will punish me if I abuse my system, but that's more effort than I'm willing to go to at the moment and my assessment of my own reliance on this system is that it wouldn't be necessary. Maybe later just to be thorough.)


I am creating a Task in the awesome Android Tasker app ( to automate the data point entries and to set reminder alarm(s) before the allowed time has elapsed. I'll be publishing the code when it's ready.


Curious about this? Have suggestions/feedback? Email me!