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This goal has the following fine print specified by tjb:

Every 12 months, I will rebalance my portfolio using fresh savings, and enter the monthly transactions to my checking account. The targeted asset allocation is:

* 75% MSCI World (or ACWI or ACWI IMI)
* 20% certificate of deposit
* 5% money market account

The MSCI World position is IE00BJ0KDQ92 (ex:LU1781541179) at the time of writing. (The choice of security is reviewed at each rebalancing. ACWI or World + EM can be substituted for MSCI World once it becomes "cheap".)

The fixed income positions will go into the highest yielding account recommended by

There is a 3% no-trade threshold, except I will lock into gains if tax advantages outweigh the trading costs.

I will put a strong focus on cutting costs (including tax leakage), exclusively passive investment, and buy-and-hold-and-rebalance investment. Dividends are set to auto-reinvest to miminize cash drag. Market timing is strictly forbidden. In case the rules are unclear, I will imitate whatever the Norwegian sovereign oil fund does. (See also

With each rebalancing, I earn exactly the right number of points so I have to take action the day my CDs expire.