pjh/eat: is archived
fit: eat better

This goal has the following fine print specified by pjh:

On days when my weight is above average, I am more vigilant about what I eat. On those days in particular, I follow Read's Rule:

**"when in doubt, choose the healthy option, except if it would be rude"**

For the avoidance of doubt, I get a point for being below the skinny purple line on my first weigh-in of the day, or half a point for touching the line. And I get a point for strictly following Read's Rule on any day.

In particular, that means no sweets, chocolates, crisps, chips, or deep-fried tastiness. Unless of course someone has lovingly made them, in which case not having a *small* taste might be rude. Happily (or unhappily) I don't work in an environment where that is a frequent danger.

What is currently in flux is whether I can get more than 1 point in total for any given day. And whether it makes sense to have a goal of more than 7 points in a week. etc etc. For the moment I've set the slope to 6 and am using a maximum of 1 point per day.