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From Mary:

How Much?

Moderate = 50-69% of max heart rate
Vigorous = 70% or above of max heart rate

Minimum: 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous per week

“Those who did double the minimum amount lowered their risk by 31%, and those who did three to five times the minimum had a 39% lower risk. Beyond that, more exercise didn’t earn any additional survival benefits.”

- the minimum = 150m of moderate or 75m of vigorous exercise per week (30m of moderate or 15m of vigorous exercise, 5 days/week)
- 2x the minimum = 300m of moderate or 150m of vigorous exercise per week (1h 30m of moderate or 45m of vigorous exercise, 5 days/week) (31% lower risk than:point_up:)
- 3x the minimum = 450m of moderate or 225m of vigorous exercise per week (1h 30m of moderate or 45m of vigorous exercise, 5 days/week) ( 8% lower risk than:point_up:, 39% lower risk than minimum)
- 5x the minimum = 750m of moderate or 375m of vigorous exercise per week (2h 30m of moderate or 1h 15m of vigorous exercise, 5 days/week)
- 6+, no additional 14-year survival benefits

“Is there any danger from doing too much exercise? On this matter, the research is reassuring. In one study, researchers tracked more than 660,000 people from the United States and Sweden, using the current U.S. exercise guidelines as the minimum recommended amount of weekly exercise (150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous). Compared with people who didn’t exercise at all, even those who did less than the minimum amount had a 20% lower risk of dying during the follow-up period, which lasted an average of 14 years. Those who did double the minimum amount lowered their risk by 31%, and those who did three to five times the minimum had a 39% lower risk. Beyond that, more exercise didn’t earn any additional survival benefits. But there was no evidence of any downside—even at levels 10 times more than the minimum.”