mutdmour/workout: is archived
workout more

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This goal has the following fine print specified by mutdmour:

- what's a workout? time you spend at a physical activity meant to improve your health, stamina, strength or physical ability. A workout is often a specific activity so you should walk into every activity with clear expectations on your level of effort / time invested.
- what counts as a workout? we will use time as a proxy for effort. So at least 30 minutes of desired physical activity. So this includes yoga, running, lifting, crossfit, walking, biking and swimming.
- what if a class is really long? classes should count as a unit if they are. If it helps to incentivize one to go, then you can make it 2
- what about when traveling? When traveling, generally there's no expectation of working out. Except when doing a WFH kind of trip to Dubai, then you are expected to maintain it.
- what about when one is injured? injuries happen. you should take the time to recover. However, workouts can be substituted. So only give yourself a limited amount of time before beginning to substitute.