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Must keep house clean. Note can not mark complete unless cat litter is cleared

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This goal has the following fine print specified by linux535:

1.Can not mark complete if cat litter has not been changed. Exception for sickness and low sleep

2. May skip if sick or less than 5 sleep hours though must clean for 2 minutes still. Note lack of sleep can not be used if:

A. The lack of sleep was self inflicted.

B. You used no sleep on the day prior.

3. If I see a mess I should clean it that day. Ignoring messes is not allowed. Exception for places like office where a clean has not been started.

4. NEED to do at least 15 minutes of Ken morie decluttering. NOT OPTIONAL!!!

5. Must clean for at least 2 minutes even if not home much in day. Also must Ken morie declutter two items unless nothing left. Weekdays this would be gone from home for 11 hours (This includes work) so getting home around 8:30PM or later. For Saturdays the standard is being gone for 9 hours. Sundays are chill days only required to clean for two minutes no matter what.