katja/morningroutine: is archived
Complete morning routine and go to work if applicable.

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This goal has the following fine print specified by katja:

Morning routine is whatever is labeled 'Ø Morning scav hunt' in Workflowy.

I can change the content of 'Ø Morning scav hunt', but changes don't apply until the next day (defined by sleep, not midnight—so I can change it before I go to bed at 4am, then use the new version when I wake).

To complete it, I must do all of the items within 1.5 hour (as measured by an accurate timer, or a probably inaccurate hourglass), starting before I have been out of bed for 5m.

The time limit is 1h until Mar 20

If it is a week day, and I will not be in the green zone of my job goal tomorrow unless I work, I must then 'go to work', which means begin either measured time on my job or travel followed by measured time on my job, straight after finishing the morning routine (within 5m).

The last paragraph ceases to apply on Monday November 13.