howtodowtle/anki_minutes: is archived
Minutes studied on Anki per day. Retro to 13 days.

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Careful what order you edit datapoints in. Beeminder derails you if your data crosses the red line, even retroactively. (Also FYI this goal is auto-summing aka cumulative, which can be confusing.)

This goal has the following fine print specified by howtodowtle:

This is ridiculously low right now but more a long-term goal of just keeping my Anki habit going. Might adjust upward in times when I don't have much other stuff going on. //

Retroratcheting to a 13-day buffer when it gets to large. //

NB: This does not include days where I only use Ankidroid, so I will have to see how that goes at times when I'm not at the laptop all the time.