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Less Quantity-More Quality: Few Words to a Still Loving Mind 🎯10 words or less

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This goal has the following fine print specified by few_words:

The following two goals are archiving on 5 October 2022

As of 28 September 2022 at 6:25am EST, all electronic messages I send will be tracked through this commitment


I have changed the name to reflect the intention of this commitment which is RightSpeech

In other words prior to sending a message, the message needs to pass the following 6 tests:

Is it True?
Is it Helpful?
Is it Important?
Is it Necessary?
Is it Kind?
Is it the RightTime?


To make it super explicit, what I am defining as a electronic message, or e-message: (includes but not limited to):

Facebook messages and comments
Owl messages

The following are new as of 28 September 2022:

Discord messages
Slack messages
Text and imessages

Again I’m probably forgetting something, but the idea is to T.H.I.N.K. before I speak

The only form of electronic communication I’m unclear whether to include in this commitment is phone calls (including Facetime audio/video and Facebook audio/video). More to follow on that. As of 28 September 2022 at 6:35am EST I’m unclear.

As of 28 September 2022@7:31am EST this commitment includes anytime I publish a Medium story, particularly when I click the button which sends an email to my followers.

As of 9:58am on 28 September 2022 this includes anytime I communicate electronically on Brightspace. This includes creating a thread, commenting/replying.


As of 29 September 2022@11:24am EST I will begin tracking all my phone/video/audio calls as well. On 28 September 2022@6:35am EST I was debating whether this was a good idea or not but I believe it is, because it reflects SPEECH, in other words it reflects communication, and I need to ensure that all words coming out of my mouth reflect my deepest values. I recognize that sometimes I simply need to speak, and have the courage to fail. However this commitment isn’t necessarily about punishing myself when I speak, it’s about building deep awareness and cultivating a reverance for more quality and less quantity

In other words I would MUCH rather I say less words, if when I speak, the words I speak are of a deeper, more meaningful quality.
(1 October 2022@9:28am)

Similar to RyanHoliday’s book “Ego is the enemy”, he talks about how talking about our goals can give us the false sense of progress whereas we are much better suited usually to execute the plan and speak through our actions instead of our words.

To make it super clear and explicit, as per PSY3109’s Self determination psychological theory of relatedness I acknowledge my deep need for connection with other people. And this commitment isn’t about weakening my connections, but rather the opposite.

Similar to Cal Newport’s book “digital minimalism” he strives for quality and less quantity in his connections and interactions with others.

So that’s the intention with this commitment is more quality and less quantity.

High quality, Skillful, thoughtful speech

CatherineGendron yesterday said I conveyed this deeply thoughtful and confident air because of how little I said, but when I did speak it was really meaningful. That’s precisely my intention.