+1 due
or pay $270*
Visiting the gym 4 days per week

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Careful what order you edit datapoints in. Beeminder derails you if your data crosses the red line, even retroactively. (Also FYI this goal is auto-summing aka cumulative, which can be confusing.)

This goal has the following fine print specified by angrymartian:

This goal tracks the number of days I go to the gym. The goal is to go every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

1 point = I went to the gym and provided sufficient proof to Boss as a Service
0 points = I did not go to the gym or did not provide sufficient proof to Boss as a Service
-2 points = My exercises were not sufficiently diverse, or I did one exercise for almost the entire week

(1) Proof of completion of a gym visit must be submitted through Telegram on or before 11:59 PM Pacific Time (UTC-8) on the day of the visit.
(2) In determining whether proof was submitted in time, BaaS may consider all available evidence, such as the timestamp of the message on Telegram, and the data within the photo
(3) Visiting the gym on the fixed days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) is mandatory. I cannot reschedule to a different day without the permission of BaaS unless there are extenuating circumstances (see below)
(4) Tuesdays and Thursdays must be dedicated to strength building and/or weights instead of cardio. If I do more than 2 days of cardio during the week, then my Boss must deduct 2 points (even if this means I fail my goal and have to pay the pledge.)
(5) All exercises must be high-intensity. This means my heart rate must be in either the β€œpeak” or β€œintense” heart rate zones for the vast majority of the workout. All proof that I submit must contain evidence that I have achieved this heart rate.

(1) A derailment caused by a Telegram service outage qualifies as an extenuating circumstance if I can point to a source that corroborates the outage
(2) A derailment caused by an emergency qualifies as an extenuating circumstance, so long as I can provide sufficiently strong proof. What counts as an emergency, and sufficiently strong proof of that emergency, is at the sole discretion of BaaS.