pjh/gym: is archived
fit: gym

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This goal has the following fine print specified by pjh:

Update 2022-06-27 - I've started a local outdoor group Quit the Gym, going to buy 25 sessions for £200 (£8 vs £10 each) but need to be sure to use them.

Update 2015-08-27 - average cost per visit currently sitting around £14.50. Playing catch-up is silly, sunk cost and no free lunch. Hiding the earlier road, setting a good slope going forward. i.e. starting with where I actually am...

Keep membership below **£10 per visit** over the year, including beeminder, c. 66 visits p.a., plus penalties. Can keep pledge at $5. Set max safe days to 11, which will naturally flatten out the road rather than build up long stretches of non-gym. Extend every six months.

Update 2015-02-07 - i've not been gym-worthy for a bit but (strangely) unwilling to flatten this road. So I'm taking the extreme position of flattening and moving to my 'data' section.

Initial goal: 66 visits in the year ending 27/11/13

Flatten for Canada trip, then resume at 101 visits by 27/05/14

No Mercy get-out clause: *I can contact support to get my week of flatness or otherwise adjust my road immediately following a derailment.*