grayson/overwhelm: is archived
Am I feeling overwhelmed? If so, what can I do about that?

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Careful what order you edit datapoints in. Beeminder derails you if your data crosses the red line, even retroactively. (Also FYI this goal is auto-summing aka cumulative, which can be confusing.)

This goal has the following fine print specified by grayson:

"Overwhelmed" = I'm being efficient and productive but it feels exhausting & hard. (See fall-thru-cracks for not being efficient and productive.)
If answer is "no": add a data point that returns the cumulative value to zero. (Frex, if current total is 3, add -3.)
If answer is "yes": ask the followup question "is it better or worse than it was last week?"
If better: add a -1 data point.
If same: add a 0 data point.
If worse: add a +1 data point.
A "yes" answer only counts for meta-review purposes if I also answer the final part of the question: what can I do to fix that?
[Logistics note: the idea is to see trends over time. I chose 4.25 as the red line because Beeminder counts in whole numbers when calculating safe days. I am ignoring that calculation, since I enter data weekly and am not using PPRs, but using the color scheme to visually indicate degree of overwhelm.]